Kazumi Amano (1927-2001)
Natural evolution
50 Years of a print artist life

Kazumi Amano (1927-2001)
Kazumi Amano was born in Takoaka City, Japan in 1927. He graduated from the Takoaka High School of Industrial Art in 1945, specializing in furniture design. In 1950, Amano was an apprentice of the very respected woodblock printer Munakata Shiko. In 1968, he came to the United States and spent four months teaching at Augustina College in Rock Island, Illinois and Marycrest College in Davenport, Iowa. In 1971, he moved his family to New York City where he worked and lived for the rest of his life. He was represented in New York City by the Gallery of Graphic Arts and he won numerous prizes during his artist life. During his 30 years in New York City, his creativity was endless and he experimented several printing techniques on both small and oversize papers.